Tony’s Art School – Let’s Draw People

$64.99 CAD


Learn to draw the 4 feature groups and place them on a typical human head-form. We will also learn to use gesture and proportion to construct a figure. Great for beginning to approach the portrait. (Graphite sticks or charcoal)

Offering 1F24: Saturday, Nov 2 2024, 9:30am to 1:00pm, Credo Christian High School 21846 52 Ave Langley

Instructor Bio:

Tony O’Regan was born in Cork, Ireland in a house called Santa Lucia, built by his uncle, Mark, a singer in the big band era. He grew up Canada and in Florida, and was educated in Art and Architecture. He painted many paintings and designed many buildings. Tony painted in Paris and the West Coast of Ireland. He taught Art and Design in major universities for over 20 years, including Emily Carr Univ. and UBC. He uses his skills in architecture, perspective, and landscape design to compose his images of what things are and what they might be. He drinks coffee at the Pelican Rouge and sketches gulls by the great White Rock as they ‘gyre and gimble’ in the waves.

Tony continues to create a collection of hundreds of his demonstrations and teaching videos as well as other useful content for artists, teachers, students and design school applicants at   and

Recommended Materials for  DRAWING CLASSES:

1 or 2 ordinary graphite pencils – 4B or 6B
Sharpener and eraser
Paper can be 10-12 sheets of 8 ½ x 11 bond printer paper, or your choice
Any other personal sketch supplies you may wish to bring


Course Number: HC75
Instructor: Tony O'Regan
Semester: Fall 2024
Classroom: Credo Christian High School 21846 52 Ave Langley
Start Date:
End Date:
Start Time: 9:30am
End Time: 1:00pm
Class Capacity: 20
Course Price: $64.99
Number of Sessions: 1

Additional information


Offering 1F24: Saturday, Nov 2 2024, 9:30am to 1:00pm, Credo Christian High School 21846 52 Ave Langley